Saturday, April 25, 2020

Bouncing Souls "30 Year Anniversary Show" White Eagle Hall Jersey City

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"Live at White Eagle Hall"
Jersey City
Released: March 13, 2019

I am lucky enough to have seen The Bouncing Souls more times than I can count. Blessed to have seen them so many times and hang out with them when I would go out and roadie with Weston. 

I was also lucky enough to go to Jersey City last year to witness this show live. You might see my bald head, stage right (the right side of a stage from the point of view of a performer facing the audience). You might see Reds and Tracy there too. 

Thank you to the Bouncing Souls for so many fantastic memories.Thank you for sharing this video.

Bouncing Souls Interview I did in FOE zine - from a long long time ago!


The Dollyrots "Teenage Kicks" single

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"Teenage Kicks"
Released: April 23, 2020

The Dollyrots are one of the coolest bands I have ever witnessed live and my wife and daughter also love the band. 

The Undertones were supposed to play the Lehigh Valley this month but had to cancel the tour due to COVID19. 

Well, the Dollyrots just unleashed a spectacular cover of the Undertones "Teenage Kicks". That song was one of my first introductions to new wave and punk. Released in 1978 it was undoubtedly one of the gateway songs that lead me down this punk rock path. Love that the Dollyrots covered this. Love the way this band interacts with their fans. They embrace the same punk rock ethos as I. I highly suggest you download this cover they "just whipped up in quarantine! Get it for free!" 

Listening to this has me fantasizing about an Undertones / Dollyrots tour post-quarantine! How sweet would that be!


The Bar Stool Preachers "Soundtrack To Your Apocalypse"

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"Soundtrack To Your Apocalypse"
Pirates Press Records
Released: April 24, 2020

The Bar Stool Preachers are attempting to improve the quality of your quarantined life.
They have released two new songs available to you for free download. Head on over to The Bar Stool Preachers site to download, stream and donate if you are so moved. A portion of any proceeds will go to assist NHS Charities Together.

"When This World Ends" and "State of Emergency" are topical and classic The Bar Stool Preachers. "This is a call to be better. To be kinder. To share strength. To be a community that leads with love. To hold politicians accountable."

Both songs are uplifting, which given the topic is no easy challenge. My favorite line from the EP is: 

"If we do things right, just this time, we don't have to go back to normal."

Hopefully you are aware of The Bar Stool Preachers. If not, take this free download and check their discography and other releases on Pirates Press Records. They transition from anthem punk rock to a ska influence effortlessly and have a knack for writing catchy, memorable songs. I imagine that fans of pub rock, the Clash, pop punk and/or Bouncing Souls will love The Bar Stool Preachers. I certainly do.

This EP is one hell of a pick me up.
