Sunday, March 21, 2021

For Family and Flag Volume 1

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"For Family and Flag Volume 1"

First off, there is a previously unreleased Cock Sparrer song. So this is automatically a mandatory purchase. Bishops Green, 45 Adapters and Lenny Lashley's Gang of One (reflectively closes out the album) also provide massively enjoyable, previously unreleased tracks. 

Cock Sparrer

I love great compilations. If done right, they bring along unreleased tracks from your favorite bands, expose you to bands you might not have ever heard before and if done properly, you can drop the needle on the record and it serves as a great playlist.

Shuffle and Bang

Shuffle and Bang starts the party off with a big band party that surprisingly works perfectly. I never heard the band before, but my eyes are now open.

The Slackers

The Slackers, The Barstool Preachers put forth uplifting ska and punk blends that I already love. 

The Barstool Preachers

The Drowns, Noi!se, Lion's Law, 45 Adapters, The Antagonizers ATL all provide  raucous, anthemic, melodic, oi and punk tracks.

The Antagonizers ATL

Lion's Law

Charger take the energy up a notch going for the punch in the face punk with a pinch of Motorhead flavored metal thrown in for good measure. Seized up take things to a hardcore, post hardcore anthem about gentrification and taking back the neighborhood.


Everyone knows the Subhumans and they STILL have the energy, chops and integrity to put forth a full throttle, speedy punk gem.   


"For Family and Flag Volume 1" goes down as a classic comp. Just like the "Punk and Disorderly" comps from decades ago, this serves both as a classic stand alone record and drives the listener to checking out the bands other material!

45 Adapters

Pirates Press takes things a step further by providing a website where you can check the bios, band social media links and lyrics for all the tracks, further exposing you to the music of all of these fantastic bands. 

950pcs. - 12" Black Vinyl
250pcs. - 12" Blood Red Vinyl
2000pcs. - CD


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