Saturday, December 18, 2021

FOE zine #1 published 1984

 Would you like to read FOE zine #1, published in 1984?

After you click the link, you will be taken back to a time when things were much different. 

Cut and past zines. 

Typed on an actual typewriter. 

Photos were photocopies of photos developed at the local drug store from film.



Saturday, October 30, 2021

That I'll be standing in the back has been disproven. 
Thanks to Mr. B., Reds and Tracy. 


Monday, August 23, 2021


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Various Artists
"Death Metal Power From Beyond"
Horror Pain Gore Death Productions
Released: September 24, 2021

I love compilations! HPGD Productions is scheduled to release a worldwide compilation of some of the genre's brightest lights. 

The timing on this is perfect. My son, who is almost 40 years younger than I has recently discovered death metal on his own. So he has been digging deep. So I am inspired.

My favorites on this are the tracks from Cemetarian, Coffins, Inisans, Cadaveric Incubator and Seraphic Disgust. You will undoubtedly have your own favorites!




















Discovering bands I haven't heard previously, that kick in any genre, has been a five decade long passion of mine. I thank HPGD for putting this together. I love it.




Saturday, June 12, 2021

Face to Face at Pat Garrett Amphitheater


Face to Face / Don't Panic / Big Green Limousine

Pat Garrett Amphitheater, Strausstown PA

June 6, 2021

Missed the Less Than Jake show that happened at Pat Garrett Amphitheater on Friday June 4, 2021. Missed the Slackers play at Levitt Pavilion on Saturday June 5, 2021 in Bethlehem for free. Was not going to miss Face to Face!

I have been a fan of Face to Face since Doc Strange first sent me their first LP. I have seen Face to Face multiple times and would see them again and again.

The Pat Garrett Amphitheater has become on of my favorite venues. Great food and drink with reasonable prices. Great sound, atmosphere and the show started and ended promptly. 4 star venue.  

Face to Face killed it. They were excited about the venue too. Played a lot of early material. Announced they will be releasing a new album on Fat! I actually skanked around a bit even though I just found out I am older than singer/guitarist Trever Keith by three years. Time flies. I would go see Face to Face every time they played within driving distance.

My friend Bix couldn't make the show, so I texted him a photo of the Face to Face merch table and picked him up a shirt.

I didn't know either of the openers before the show. Which is fine as I am an old man and do not keep as close a tab on the scene as I did 30-40 years ago. Glad I got to see both bands and have become a fan.

Don't Panic are from Northeast Poconos area of Pennsylvania and play a professional, energetic blend of power pop and pop punk. At times they remind me of Smoking Popes, Hagfish, early Weston and Bowling for Soup. I even bought their "See Through It All" album on vinyl! I've listened to it multiple times this week. Great listen. I will most likely get to see them at least two more times this year. They will be opening for the Queers (name dropped in their song "Summer of 99") in Easton Pennsylvania and then again opening for Bowling For Soup in Harrisburg.

Opening band Big Green Limousine have been around for 20+ years, so yeah, I may be out of touch. Philly or Phoenixville or elsewhere in Pennsylvania is their locale. They rocked. Don't understand why I didn't know about them. They carried themselves like they've been around 20+ years, packing a punch to their punk and rock. 

This was a great day. Met a ton of cool people, including Brandon Gepfer who is assisting with running these shows as is my old friend Frank Phobia. I got to see one of my all time favorite bands in Face to Face as well as enjoying two new bands! I ate the biggest and best street taco I've ever consumed and washed it down with some homemade sweet tea (pretending I was down south, sweet tea is one of my favorite things about the south). The weather was perfect and the Sunday show ended soon enough that I got home at a reasonable hour (Face to Face went on shortly after 7:00 PM) and I didn't have to burn a vacation day on Monday due to missing my eight hours of sleep. 

I got to see the show with my magnificent and lovely daughter. That's the best. 




Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Ultra Kings DuLuxe


The Ultra Kings DuLuxe

Taylor House Brewing, Catasauqua PA

May 22, 2021

First gig of the post-pandemic era was suitably, the reliable, the always a good time, The Ultra Kings.
This was a spur of the moment gig.
I had just finished up yard work, checked my phone and the event that I liked a few weeks ago came up on my feed. The Ultra Kings, Smokehouse Food Truck, outside... first step, my lovely wife was in as we hadn't eaten dinner yet and she loves the Ultra Kings too. Then the text to Reds UTNG. Reds and Mr. B were down and would meet us there.

Love the Rockabilly Master, guitarist and vocalist Rick. As soon as I show up, he dedicates a song to me and the festivities are under way! 

Next up, brisket on top of fries. So freakin' good. Chatted with they lead man of this family run food truck company (Smokehouse) about the Yankees season. 

Purchased the latest Ultra Kings CD "Lucky Store" plus a sweet XXL t-shirt!

Live outdoor music, family, friends, food, drinks. Perfect way to kick off the post-pandemic live music endeavor!


Sunday, March 28, 2021


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Horror Pain Gore Death Productions
Released: April 23, 2021

I love grindcore with alternating guttural growl and squealing howl.

This release combines the band's two eps. The first EP, the first eight tracks, were released in February of 2018. The new ep, the last eight tracks were released in February 2021 through Monnier's bandcamp page. Horror Pain Gore Death Productions combined the two EPs here on CD as one magnificent purifying purge. 

There are a few copies on vinyl out there in the world, but nothing I could find in the US. Halenoise Records and Loner Cult Records, both in Belgium, have them available for those feeling the need to order overseas.

While I know that there is a tremendous amount of grindcore out there, Monnier just does it for me. I love every second of this release. Which means this receives my "Need on the preferred format, vinyl" support. 

Happy grinding!


Sunday, March 21, 2021

For Family and Flag Volume 1

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"For Family and Flag Volume 1"

First off, there is a previously unreleased Cock Sparrer song. So this is automatically a mandatory purchase. Bishops Green, 45 Adapters and Lenny Lashley's Gang of One (reflectively closes out the album) also provide massively enjoyable, previously unreleased tracks. 

Cock Sparrer

I love great compilations. If done right, they bring along unreleased tracks from your favorite bands, expose you to bands you might not have ever heard before and if done properly, you can drop the needle on the record and it serves as a great playlist.

Shuffle and Bang

Shuffle and Bang starts the party off with a big band party that surprisingly works perfectly. I never heard the band before, but my eyes are now open.

The Slackers

The Slackers, The Barstool Preachers put forth uplifting ska and punk blends that I already love. 

The Barstool Preachers

The Drowns, Noi!se, Lion's Law, 45 Adapters, The Antagonizers ATL all provide  raucous, anthemic, melodic, oi and punk tracks.

The Antagonizers ATL

Lion's Law

Charger take the energy up a notch going for the punch in the face punk with a pinch of Motorhead flavored metal thrown in for good measure. Seized up take things to a hardcore, post hardcore anthem about gentrification and taking back the neighborhood.


Everyone knows the Subhumans and they STILL have the energy, chops and integrity to put forth a full throttle, speedy punk gem.   


"For Family and Flag Volume 1" goes down as a classic comp. Just like the "Punk and Disorderly" comps from decades ago, this serves both as a classic stand alone record and drives the listener to checking out the bands other material!

45 Adapters

Pirates Press takes things a step further by providing a website where you can check the bios, band social media links and lyrics for all the tracks, further exposing you to the music of all of these fantastic bands. 

950pcs. - 12" Black Vinyl
250pcs. - 12" Blood Red Vinyl
2000pcs. - CD


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Follow Fashion Monkeys

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"Inner Ear Infection"

FFM were one of the first Lehigh Valley hardcore/punk bands to venture outside of the LV with their music, famously touring with Indigesti.

FFM were one of the first LVHC bands to release an LP, with the Russian Meatsquats and American Dream being the other two.  Follow Fashion Monkeys self released their first lp on Clymer records in 1985. To my knowledge, this album was never released digitally. I transferred my vinyl to mp3 a long time ago.

The songs on this second album, were recorded in 1987 at Inner Ear Studios in Arlington VA, by Don Zientara and were produced by Ian MacKaye. Pretty lofty credentials, yet never saw a release of the full album on vinyl.

Four tracks from "Inner Ear Infection" were released on FOE records as a 7". I am extremely grateful that I had a part in something that included the Follow Fashion Monkeys, Don Zientara and Ian MacKaye. 

FFM broke up in 1987 and two of the other tracks from this session were released on compilations ("Menagerie Pt. 2" on the "What Have You Brought Me This Time?" 7" and "Money For Something"  on the "Get The Hell Out" compilation").

You can listen to the second album on Spotify or purchase the tracks on Amazon (minus the Yardbirds cover, which is on the 7".

Listen to the 7" through this blog. I do not have any of the 300 copies of the 7" left beyond my personal copies. It is out of print. I do not see any available for sale on Discogs either, but you might be able to score the first album if you haven't secured one yet.

Read the Follow Fashion Monkeys 1986 tour journal from FOE zine #8 here.

I hope I get to see the day when someone releases the entire Follow Fashion Monkeys discography on a 2xlp gatefold vinyl release with a book of photos and the history of the band. They deserve it. 

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Monday, February 15, 2021

Ship Thieves "He Lost His Head" from "Irruption"

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"He Lost His Head" advance track from "Irruption" LP
Chunksaah Records
Released: March 12, 2021

These pre-order vinyl versions are already sold out. I see this more and more. If you want the vinyl, you either have to keep hoping they will press future variants or continually follow your favorite labels. I missed out. D'oh.

If you don't know Ship Thieves, check out their 2016 release, "No Anchor" on No Idea Records. A great record. Give it a listen here: 

Ship Thieves is instantly familiar with Chris Wollard's (Hot Water Music) distinctly dusty, dry and borderline hoarse vocal style. So far the band has given the world a sneak preview of what the new LP "Irruption" has in store with the track "He Lost His Head". Listen here:

I will be anxiously awaiting a future vinyl variant (fingers crossed) and March 12, when "Irruption" is released!



Chunksaah Records

Ship Thieves FB

Chunksaah Records FB

Wolves Attack!! Rest in Piss

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"Rest in Piss"
Horror Pain Gore Death Productions
Released: January 29, 2021

Wolves Attack!! are from Philly. I love Philly. I miss going to live shows in Philly. 

My post pandemic bucket list includes seeing Wolves Attack!! live. 

"Rest in Piss" includes six blasts that sounds like a Ringworm fronted Municipal Waste mashup. All songs are driving, intense and impassioned, fueled with the objective of going full force, releasing, cleansing and exhausting the demons. That's some good fun!! The fact that Wolves Attack!! captured this feeling on these recordings only makes me want to witness the live show more!!

Brilliant cover of Misfits "We Bite". 

Give this a listen. So good. Listened to this over and over and over!!

Consider this a formal request that someone release this on piss colored vinyl. I would buy that.